Thursday 5 July 2012

Strawberry fields forever or something like that

Got up Sunday morning and spied the jars of strawberry jam on the side so thought I'd treat myself to some of the jam with muffins. Now I must confess strawberry jam is not my favourite, I never buy it (that's only blackcurrant or raspberry), but I did enjoy those large sumptuous jewels that were languishing at the top of the jar (I know, a bit over done with the description!). Anyway, I think I do prefer the homemade variety, but if I was to make it again I'd probably tinker around with the recipe to try and make it less sweet. Last year I made many a jar of blackcurrant jam and have finally come up with a recipe that uses 3lb of fruit to 2.5lb of sugar which is infinitely better than Delia's 3lb fruit to 3.5lb sugar!

Yum, I couldn't resist a bite before I sat down at the table!

One last thing, for those of you that might doubt my book collection here are photos of them too!

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