Saturday 8 December 2012

The ultimate treat for any cook: Larousse Gastronomique

Maybe it's just me, but don't you find when you're doing a spot of Christmas shopping you seem to come across a multitude of items that would be so suitable for yourself and there's nothing much cop for anyone else! Well, this year my Christmas present to myself just had to be the wonderful Larousse Gastronomique, it is a veritable feast of knowledge on food and its history, cookery techniques, culinary terms, chefs... you name it, it's got everything in it. Oh and it's got 3,800 classic recipes! Now of course almost anything can be easily sourced over the web these days, but this book is an object of beauty that will adorn your bookshelf with pride and with everything you need to know in one gorgeous volume you just can't say no - well I couldn't!
Simplicity of design

Endorsed by no less than Heston and Gordon!

This will definitely look good on my bookshelf ;)

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