Saturday 26 January 2013

Maple rice pudding pots with hazelnuts and strawberries

It's probably time to have a little break from Delia as she has featured four times now. Don't you worry however, I still have another 12 of her publications to delight you with! (I'm also keen to hear if anyone has a suggestion for my next Delia recipe, chances are, I will have the book).

Maple rice pudding pots with hazelnuts and strawberries

When the weather's like this, there's nothing better than great comfort food such as rice pudding but this recipe is no old-fashioned bake in-the-oven-for-hours but a cook-on-the-hob affair and you'll find once you've made these you'll be doing them again and again. I have altered the recipe slightly by substituting hazelnuts and strawberries for the pecans and dates. With it being 'forever summer' in the supermarkets (isn't that a title of a Nigella book?), I couldn't resist the strawberries and they were actually very nice for this time of year despite having travelled from Morocco or Egypt! The suggestion for this recipe on page 26, is to serve these scrumptious little pots as part of an indulgent brunch, but I can reassure you these moreish pots go down equally well after lunch or dinner.  As well as these puddings being a modern affair, the book is a thoroughly modern affair entitled Modern Entertaining (2008) from The Australian Women's Weekly It's one of those books that's organised into distinctive sections such as Breakfast with Friends, Picnics, Tea Parties, Dinner with Friends and so on. Each of these sections is then subdivided into different menus, so Breakfast with Friends has Healthy, Indulgent and French menus. Dinner with Friends has Italian, Indian, After Work, Mezze menus. Most of these menus are stylish and contemporary and there seems to be something for everyone. I have not actually cooked a whole menu from this book but have tended to mix and match with other recipes. My favourite recipes are the Pistachio and Lime Friands on page 262 - excellent if you've got a glut of egg whites and don't want to make meringues; the Mini Passion fruit cakes on page 110 are a lovely treat in the summer when entertaining outdoors; and the Coconut Rice with Mango on page 155 is gorgeous after a curry or stir fry.

Maple Rice Pudding with Hazelnuts and Strawberries (copyright ACP Magazines Ltd 2008)

Serves 8 (halve the ingredients to serve 4)
1.5 litres (6 cups) milk
500ml (2 cups) double cream
160ml (2/3 cup) maple syrup
1/4tsp ground cinnamon
130g (2/3 cup) medium-grain white rice or pudding rice
Handful of toasted hazelnuts, chopped
Handful of strawberries, chopped
You will also need 8 small dishes or ramekins

Combining milk, cream, syrup and cinnamon

Adding the rice.
After about 50 minutes or so the rice is more visible - do persevere! 

  1.  Combine Milk, cream, syrup and cinnamon in a large pan; bring to the boil, stirring occasionally.
  2. Gradually stir in the rice: cook uncovered over a low heat, stirring occasionally for about 40 minutes ( It took me about 1 hour) or until rice is tender.
  3. Serve the rice pudding with the chopped strawberries and toasted hazelnuts. Drizzle a little extra maple syrup over the top, if desired.
Lightly toasting the hazelnuts

Not very seasonal but these strawberries did have a good flavour!
 These puddings were a real hit in our house and are perfect for a little treat on a cold winter's day. Do bear with the rice whilst it is cooking, as I found it took longer than the 40 minutes as stated in the recipe. You'll soon see when it's ready as the rice becomes visible and the whole mixtures firm up.

Incredibly yummy rice pudding
Next time: A great recipe from the Hairy Dieters: lamb curry

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