Wednesday 10 April 2013

Chocolate fest: belated Easter treats such as Moist Chocolate and Rum Squares...

Here she is again, the wonderful Delia. I was going to leave it a while before I embarked upon another of her books but when I saw this recipe I thought it would make the perfect Easter treat and gift. Let me explain: in January I agreed to send gifts to the first five people who responded to a post on Facebook - it's all about passing on a bit of brightness and love, doing something nice for your friends and family. So this was the perfect opportunity to bake some comforting chocolate cake and obviously being Easter chocolate has to be on the menu.

Sampling a piece for dessert
As I've probably already mentioned in earlier posts, Delia Smith is one of my favourite cook's and that's quite simply because her recipes are so reliable. She writes in enough detail to enable you to feel confident that you'll achieve good results every time.
An Easter gift of Moist Chocolate and Rum Squares for my lovely cousin Hazel

The recipe for Moist Chocolate and Rum Squares comes from The Delia Collection: Chocolate (2003) (Page 54) This is another brilliant book full of tantalising chocolate recipes from cakes and cheesecakes, biscuits and cookies to hot and cold puddings. I have tried a few of these recipes already and have been very satisfied. For instance the Melting Chocolate Risotto on page 90 is sheer comfort food; On page 93 you can find A Very Chocolatey Mousse, very rich and indulgent. One of my favourite recipe's is the Miniature Choc Ices on page 120 - I remember serving these years ago as an alternative to after-diner mints or truffles and I even played around with making some mint ice cream and dipping small balls into melted chocolate and coating in sugar... As to be expected there are numerous other delights in this book waiting for you to try. I particularly like the look of the Squidgy Chocolate Log on page 94 and the Chocolate Choux Buns on page 70; another bonus to this book is that all recipes are accompanied by pictures either showing processes of cooking or the finished article.

So, to the Moist Chocolate and Rum Squares. These were great cakes that lasted quite a few days due to the almond and rum content and also very, very chocolatey! As Delia herself says, if you gave up chocolate for Lent they would be perfect to 're-initiate you into the whole chocolate experience'

Moist Chocolate and Rum Squares (copyright Delia Smith 2003)

Makes 9
150g dark chocolate, roughly grated
150g soft butter
150g golden caster sugar
5 large eggs, separated
150g ground almonds
 9 mini eggs for decoration
Creme fraiche to serve, if you like
For the icing
110g dark chocolate
2 tbsp rum
1 tbsp double cream
Preheat the oven to 170 degrees
  1. Brush the base and sides of a 20cm square cake tin and line with baking parchment.
  2. Cream the butter and sugar until pale, light and fluffy. Beat the egg yolks together and then add them to the mixture, bit by bit
  3. Gently fold in the ground almonds and grated chocolate.
  4. Whisk the egg whites until they form soft peaks, you don't want them too stiff, and fold into the chocolate mixture.
  5. Spread the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for about 55 minutes to 1 hour or until it feels springy in the centre.
  6. Leave the cake to cool in the tin, then loosen the edges and cool on a wire rack. Turn it up the right way and sprinkle with the tablespoon of rum. (I used 2 tablespoon).
  7. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of simmering water. When melted, stir in the cream and a tbsp of rum and spread over the cake and decorate with mini eggs.

The creamed mixture with the egg incorporated

                                                                        The chocolate and almonds added

                                                                          Mixing in the whisked egg whites

The finished cake out of the oven

                                              Melting the chocolate

As well as these lovely Moist Chocolate and Rum Squares I also made my cousin some gorgeous Pistachio fondant fancies. This was a recipe from BBC Olive magazine and here's the link: I must confess that I also collect recipes from magazines and have quite a few folders in with all sorts of recipes that I've amassed over time! Perhaps this will be my next blog quest to cook as many recipes from my folders?!

P.s. The chocolate connection for these treats is in the 'fancy' top part - half a Lindt white chocolate ball!

                                                                      A tray full of these lovely fancies

Next time: Continuing with the chocolate theme, an extremely easy chocolate cheesecake. I also promise to get it on here a lot quicker this time!

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