Tuesday 28 May 2013

Gianduja Gelato and Fresh Mint Ice Cream - courtesy of the brilliant David Lebovitz

Gianduja Gelato

About this time last year one of my earliest recipes was a Peach Ice Cream from David Lebovitz's brilliant book The Perfect Scoop (2011) .http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Perfect-Scoop-Granitas-Accompaniments/dp/1906417547/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1369734037&sr=8-1&keywords=the+perfect+scoop You may remember me extolling the virtues of an amazing Gianduja Ice cream - essentially a chocolate, hazelnut affair that I must admit is in my top 5 of flavours: its smooth sublime texture and absolutely gorgeous taste really does it for me! Well I've made another batch and thought I'd add a few pictures to prove it.  (I've also added a link to the recipe which I've found on the web, although If you are serious about making ice cream this is one book that is worth purchasing).

Along with the sublime nuttiness of Gianduja, the Fresh Mint Ice Cream on page 99 looked very tempting and since my mint had gone completely unchecked in the garden, it was the perfect opportunity to make use of this abundant herb. What a zingy, invigorating ice cream it is! I wasn't sure whilst preparing it, the smell of the mint infusing in the cream was rather bland,  but after the first taste check I was hooked!  I'm now considering creating some after-dinner ice cream chocolates by scooping the ice cream into balls and dipping in melted dark chocolate and sugar - I'll let you know how I get on. (Here is a link to the Fresh Mint Ice Cream recipe) http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2007/06/cook-the-book-fresh-mint-ice-c.html

Roasting the hazelnuts

Cooling the gianduja custard in an ice bath

Not forgetting the wonderful zingy and invigorating Fresh Mint Ice Cream

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